Chiropractic Care Visits: Week 6

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I’ve been going to the chiropractor for over a month, and it was time for a thirty day evaluation. This evaluation will determine how well my body is taking to the adjustments, and to see if there have been any improvements in my spine.

chiropractic care visits: week 6 #chiropracticcare #brandiclevinger
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created by Brandi Clevinger using the image from © Teeradej at
How week 6 went with my #ChiropracticCare visits and a 30 day evaluation. #chiropractor Share on X

30 Day Evaluation

The thirty day evaluation is just like the intake process on my first visit minus the x-rays. I redid the thermal and EMG scans as well as a scan of my feet. I’m not sure what this scan is about, but I’ll find out on Friday when we review my results.

After the scans were complete, I went back to one of the front rooms for my manual adjustment. The inflammation on my lower back seems to be lessening, however, the pain in my lower back has been elevated the past few days. I’m not sure why this is, and can only guess it’s because of the bad weather lately. The session was strictly a manual adjustment and no activator method was used. A light massage using a vibrating massager was given after the session.

Update: Below are the scans from my intake exam and the thirty day evaluation. As you can see from the scans, as my spine is becoming aligned, the stress is redistributed. I know the C1 and C2 vertebrae in the June image are caused by me spending more time than usual in the bed. The scans of my feet shows how imbalanced my entire body is. Shoe inserts are recommended, and I’ll be tackling that issue this Fall.

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Chiropractic Care for the Kiddos, too!

When Dr. Tom* was finished, he asked about any improvements in my gut issues. I told him about using diatomaceous earth over the weekend which he recommended the previous week. I didn’t have any adverse reactions to it, but I’m holding off on it until after the appointment with a gastroenterologist. A GI referral was due to the mysterious mass I have in my abdomen.

Friday’s session was a longer one because two of my five kiddos were taking their new patient intake exams. I’ll get their results on Monday, but Dr. Tom reviewed the scans and knew which adjustments to begin the same day.

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All of our kiddos get adjustments as preventative care.

As for me, we did the regular manual adjustments. There was virtually no inflammation in my lower back which was great news to me! I forgot to ask about the results of Monday’s re-evaluation, so I’ll have to ask about it during the next session. I’m curious to see if there were any improvements in any of the areas.

Personally, my overall body pains have decreased by 75% since my intake appointment, and that’s a tremendous victory for me. Now, if I can get my stomach issues under control, I’d be in much better shape AND I could do a proper celebration.

Be sure to read the rest of this chiropractic care series.

*All names have been changed for privacy.

Brandi Clevinger

A place where I talk about everything and sugar coat nothing.

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